Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Phenomenon Of Reality Television - 941 Words

TITLE: â€Å"The phenomenon of Reality Television† GENERAL PURPOSE: To present new information SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To inform my audience about the history of reality television, the types of reality television, how popular it has become in our world today, and the negative and positive effects of reality television. THESIS/CENTRAL IDEA: There is so much more to reality television than meets the eye. INTRODUCTION I. HOOK: Just imagine. You’re sitting on your couch flipping through the channels on your television. You notice that your favorite reality show is on: Keeping up with the Kardashians. What could be more entertaining than watching drama unfold right before your very eyes. II. I like so many other people around the world enjoy watching reality TV, I must admit. I must admit I do watch reality TV from time to time, and I wanted to find out more about this fascinating â€Å"reality† on television today. III. Through my research, I have learned more about reality TV and why it has become such a popular phenomenon in our world today. IV. PREVIEW: Today, I would like to share more information about the history of reality television, the types of reality television, how popular it has become in our world today and the negative and positive effects of reality television in our society today. BODY I. Believe it or not, reality television does have a history a. Reality television goes way back before it exploded in the early 2000’s. i. Reality television is a broad term and as youShow MoreRelatedThe Cultural Phenomenon Of Reality Television1741 Words   |  7 PagesThe cultural phenomenon ‘Reality Television (TV)’ has become an increasingly popular genre of television since its paroxysm onto the airwaves in 1945. 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